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"Cutting the Cord: Curtailing Commercial Influence on Healthcare" a conference to be held online, 16-18 June 2021

Organised by the US-based non-profit group PharmedOut, the conference will address commercial influence on healthcare, focussing on how its damaging effects can be mitigated.

PharmedOut is a Georgetown University Medical Center project that advances evidence-based prescribing and educates healthcare professionals about pharmaceutical marketing practices.

PharmedOut's 2021 conference, "Cutting the Cord: Curtailing Commercial Influence on Healthcare", will discuss how commercial influence on meetings, publications, and education affects what health care providers (including prescribers, pharmacists, psychologists and social workers) believe about both drugs and diseases.

This year's conference will focus on effective strategies for mitigating the damaging effects of industry influence on medical education and public health.

The conference will be organized around five major topics:

  • Rational Prescribing and Deprescribing
  • Medical Journals and Publication Ethics
  • Pharma-Free Medical Information
  • Transparency
  • Legal and Legislative Action

Speakers include:

  • Virginia Barbour, DPhil (Co-founding Editor, PLOS Medicine)
  • Fiona Godlee, FCRP (Editor in Chief, The BMJ)
  • Dörte Gunthert, MD (Managing Editor, Prescrire International)
  • Joel Lexchin, MD (Professor, School of Health Policy and Management, York University)
  • and many more.

Conference details and registration available from: > PharmedOut

©Prescrire June 2021

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For more information:

Conference details and
registration available from
> PharmedOut

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