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International nonproprietary names:
for a safer medicine chest containing fewer drugs

Using a drug's International Nonproprietary Name (INN) is a valuable aid to patients, carers and medical staff. In particular it makes it possible to sort out the medicines in the medicine chest safely.

For several months, a campaign spearheaded by Prescrire, as part of the Medicines in Europe Forum, aims to raise public awareness and promote the use of the INN, a drug's real name. Every month, a leaflet on INN is produced. Several leaflets are already available and can be downloaded from www.prescrire.org. The leaflets can be handed out and/or posted on notice boards. The latest leaflet illustrates the usefulness of knowing and using the INN, in particular when medicines accumulate in medicine chests, which can lead to confusion. Stating the INN clearly on the medicine's packaging and in the patient leaflet will help avert confusion over the drugs in home medicine chests, enabling people to sort out their medicines and avoid taking the same drug under different brand names. ©Prescrire February 2006

Source: "DCI le vrai nom du médicament : fiche n°6" Rev Prescrire 2006 ; 26 (269) : 150.

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