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2006 : 1 | 30 | 60

Fentanyl patches:
safe disposal after use is essential

Fentanyl is an opiate-based analgesic, and fentanyl patches still contain the substance after use. Procedures for their safe disposal must be followed to avoid the risks associated with this opiate.

Fentanyl patches contain a powerful opiate-based analgesic. They are reserved for very specific cases of chronic and intense cancer pain, or pain that does not respond to other analgesics.

Even after use, they still contain a non-negligible amount of opiate, which is why precautions must be taken concerning their safe disposal: the patches must be folded over with the adhesive side facing inwards, sealed in a bag and returned to the pharmacy for disposal.

Three teenagers in Canada died following abuse of fentanyl contained in patches. Patients and the people around them must be informed of the serious risks associated with fentanyl patches. Health professionals must ensure that procedures for the safe disposal of the patches are properly understood and adhered to.

©Prescrire January 2006

Source: "Fentanyl transdermique : les risques d'un opiacé" Rev Prescrire 2006 ; 26 (268) : 26.

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