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2006 : 1 | 30 | 60

I.N.N.: for a better knowledge of drugs

A drug's International Nonproprietary Name, or INN, is a valuable aid for patients and doctors. Identifying drugs by their real name helps to avoid the re-use of contra-indicated drugs or medicines associated with sometimes serious adverse effects.

Over the last few months, in association with the Medicines in Europe Forum, Prescrire has been spearheading a campaign to inform the public about the use of the International Nonproprietary Name (INN).

A new leaflet explains the importance of knowing and using the INN. The example given in this leaflet is that of a woman patient who complained that a particular drug caused giddiness, and then changed to another which had the same adverse effect. She had not realised that the two medicines contained the same substance because their commercial names were different.

Knowing the INN is a simple, practical and reliable aid for patients, doctors, pharmacists and nursing staff alike. It helps to avoid the sometimes serious adverse effects that can result from ignorance as to which drugs are being used.

Every month, a new INN leaflet is distributed by the Forum. Several leaflets are already available and can be downloaded from www.prescrire.org.

©Prescrire January 2006

Source: "Priorité à la DCI : DCI, le vrai nom du médicament : Fiche n°5" Rev Prescrire 2006 ; 26 (268) : 71.

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