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In the March issue of Prescrire International:
healthcare products are involved in about half of all serious adverse events related to healthcare in France

FREE DOWNLOAD A French study revealed that healthcare products are involved in about half of all serious adverse events related to healthcare. These adverse events generally involve a drug, sometimes a medical device, and more rarely a labile blood product.
Full text available for free download.


  • The 2009 Eneis 2 study in France collected data on serious adverse events related to healthcare.
  • 47.3% of the serious healthcare-related adverse events were considered preventable.
  • Healthcare products were involved in about half of all serious healthcare-related adverse events.
  • The proportion of serious adverse drug reactions occurring in patients over the age of 65 years increased between 2004 and 2009.  The proportion of patients aged 80 to 90 years who were hospitalised for serious adverse drug reactions also increased.
  • Anticoagulants were responsible for one-third of the serious adverse drug reactions that led to hospitalisation or that occurred during hospitalisation.
  • The lack of decline in the proportion of preventable serious adverse drug reactions occurring during hospitalisation shows that medication safety has not improved.

Full text available for free download.

 ©Prescrire 1 March 2012

"In France, healthcare products are involved in about half of all serious adverse events related to healthcare" Prescrire Int 2012; 21 (125) : 68. (Pdf, free)

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