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In the November issue of Prescrire International - Ivabradine: European authorities have instituted precautionary measures, but stopped short of withdrawing this drug

FREE DOWNLOADIvabradine offers no advantages over other options and is known to have sometimes fatal cardiovascular adverse effects. Since European health authorities have not yet decided to withdraw this drug from the market, it is advisable to simply avoid it.
Full text available for free download.


  • In 2015, the only action taken after the European review of ivabradine was the adoption of some restrictions on its use and some precautionary measures, despite the fact that this drug offers no advantages over other options and is known to have sometimes fatal cardiovascular adverse effects.
  • In practice, ivabradine has more harms than benefits in both angina and heart failure.
  • Since European health authorities have not yet decided to withdraw this drug from the market, it is advisable to simply avoid it.

Full text available for free download.

 ©Prescrire 1 November 2015

"Ivabradine: more precautions to protect patients with coronary artery disease because of its cardiac harms" Prescrire Int 2015; 24 (165): 264. (Pdf, free)

Download the full review
Pdf, free

See also:

Drugs to avoid, in the name
of better patient care:
2015 update
(February 2015)