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Remembering Andrew Herxheimer

A long-time friend and colleague and a source of inspiration for Prescrire, Andrew Herxheimer passed away on 21 February 2016 at the age of 90. Prescrire was greatly enriched by Andrew’s ideas, vision, enthusiasm and experience.

For Andrew, medicine was all about serving the individual patient. He considered each individual to be equally important, which is probably why he perceived the value of patients’ individual testimonies, especially regarding their experience of drug treatments, both positive and negative.

Prescrire was greatly enriched by Andrew’s ideas, vision, enthusiasm and experience. We were very fortunate to benefit from his advice over the years. Andrew was a solid and faithful friend and colleague.

Andrew was a prime mover in a European-wide initiative to resist biased information, to expose the hidden harms of drugs, and to provide patients with honest, unvarnished information. He helped plot a course that we vow to pursue.

Andrew, thank you.

©Prescrire 1 June 2016

"Andrew Herxheimer: medicine for the people" Prescrire Int 2016; 25 (172): 164. (Pdf, free).

"Andrew Herxheimer: his life's work, to be continued" Prescrire Int 2016; 25 (172): 165. (Pdf, free).