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In the July issue of Prescrire International - Adalimumab (Humira°) and plaque psoriasis in children: no better than other immunosuppressants

FREE DOWNLOAD In a trial in 114 children, the efficacy of adalimumab was not notably different from that of methotrexate, and its adverse effects profile did not appear to be more favourable.
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  • Adalimumab (Humira°, Abbvie), a TNF-alpha antagonist authorised for the treatment of various paediatric disorders, has been approved for use in children with severe plaque psoriasis in whom local treatment or phototherapy has failed.
  • Overall, compared to methotrexate, adalimumab seemed slightly more effective on psoriatic lesions, but relapses after treatment withdrawal were more frequent.
  • Because of its potentially serious adverse effects, including a risk of infections and cancer, adalimumab, like other immunosuppressants, should only be considered for children with very debilitating plaque psoriasis.

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 ©Prescrire 1 July 2016

"Adalimumab (Humira°) and plaque psoriasis in children" Prescrire Int 2016; 25 (173): 176. (Pdf, free)