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• Decline in vigilance: leaked information is everywhere, but does it hold water?

Leaks Look before you trust a leak! All too often, the revelations of shadowy "hackers" get more credence than the plain old facts that are right in front of our noses. All those thousands of "leaked e-mails" referred to in our April 1 "News Flash" deliver a serious message about our less-than-water-tight perception of information.

april fool's! Unfettered access to data, granted to groups that are independent of the pharmaceutical industry. Sounds like a dream come true for Prescrire's editors. But a dream which, for the moment, remains very much limited to the realm of fantasy. And yes, our "News Flash"  revealing the contents of leaked e-mails regarding cancer drug pricing was in fact an April fool's prank.Poisson d'avril !

3 Decades of "fishy business" in April
The traditional April prank by Prescrire's editors serves as an annual "booster shot" to remind us all that in the serious business of medical information, it pays to exercise critical judgement at all times.

In April 1983 Prescrire's "special correspondent" revealed to enthralled readers the enormous interest of protryptophane in the treatment of acute senility... And ever since, the experiment has been repeated yearly in La revue Prescrire's April issue.

And on a few occasions, Prescrire's "April fish" (as the seasonal pranks are known in France) have even made it into the English edition, Prescrire International. These are included below, in a sampling of Prescrire's yearly "Poissons d'avril".

Greatest hits from Prescrire's annual "Poisson d'avril" prank

©Prescrire 1 April 2017