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In Prescrire's Spotlight

Phasing out patient leaflets in paper form: eco-responsible or irresponsible?

1 September 2024

Selinexor (Nexpovio°) in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: not acceptable

1 September 2024

Bupropion + naltrexone (Mysimba°) for weight loss: set to be withdrawn from the market in the European Union?

1 September 2024

In-utero exposure to corticosteroids: increased risk of serious infections during the first year of life

1 September 2024

Prescrire's review of drug packaging in 2023: reconciling ease of use with safety is an ongoing challenge

1 September 2024

Prescrire's contribution to the EMA's consultation on the "Concept Paper for the Development of a Guideline on Non-Inferiority and Equivalence Comparisons in Clinical Trials"

1 September 2024

Enjoy these features, and more, in our upcoming issues

1 September 2024

Covid-19: Follow Prescrire's independent, evidence-based analysis of the pandemic

1 November 2023

New! "Top Texts of 2023", from the editors of Prescrire International

1 August 2023

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1 January 2022

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1 January 2022

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1 July 2022

Drugs to avoid, in the name of better patient care

Read more All the subjects in Prescrire's Spotlight >