Spotlight: Archives

Every month, the subjects in Prescrire’s Spotlight.

2007 : 1 | 30 | 60 | 90

Prescrire is financed entirely by subscribers

Prescrire has been funded solely by its subscribers since 1993. It has been making its accounts public since 1992.

Prescrire publishes its accounts every year, as it has done since 1992. This is part of a commitment to transparency towards subscribers, who are Prescrire's sole source of income.

Prescrire is one of the few educational publications in the healthcare field to maintain total independence both from pharmaceutical companies and from health authorities.

Today, there is a flood of informational publications aimed at health professionals, some of which make no secret of the fact that they are produced and/or funded by pharmaceutical companies. Professionals are increasingly bombarded with information from the health authorities and social welfare organisations, whose agenda is often to "rationalise" health spending.

For health professionals, reading Prescrire is a deliberate choice: they have to sign up for a subscription, and pay for it. La revue Prescrire's 28,000 paid subscribers – mainly practising doctors, pharmacists and students – value Prescrire's unbiased evaluations of drugs and of diagnostic and treatment strategies. They appreciate the fact that Prescrire is free of any conflicts of interest and embodies an original, independent movement among French health professionals.

©Prescrire March 2007

Source: "Les Finances de l’Association Mieux Prescrire : bilan de l’année 2006" Rev Prescrire 2007 ; 27 (281) : 164-165.

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