Amongst the works and documents reviewed in our French edition from October 2013 to September 2014, the Prescrire Editorial Staff has awarded the 2014 Prescrire Prize to the five works below.
Alzheimer's: the social construction of a disease
"Alzheimer : la construction sociale d'une maladie"
Laëtitia Ngatcha-Ribert
Dunod, Paris 2012: 437 pages, 35 euros
Why did Alzheimer's disease become a prominent medical and social concern beginning in the 1990s? Because, the author tells us, our ideas of the disease changed, from the way we see ageing to views expressed by patients, and the arrival of "anti-Alzheimer" drugs. An essential book to understand the rise of Alzheimer's as a societal phenomenon.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
The prisoner's guide
"Le guide du prisonnier"
Observatoire international des prisons
La Découverte, Paris 2012: 702 pages, 30 euros
Providing information on legal rights in prison: that is the goal of this guide published by the Observatoire International des Prisons. For every area of prison life, it looks at legal rights and their day-to-day application. A guide intended above all for persons who are incarcerated, but also useful for any citizen wishing to stay informed.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Disability. Practical guide 2013
"Handicap. Le guide pratique 2013"
Fédération des Associations pour
adultes et jeunes handicapés (Apajh)
Prat Editions, Issy-les-Moulineaux 2013:
444 pages, 23.35 euros
This guide brings together information that is practical, useful and up-to-date for persons living with a disability, their families, and the members of the healthcare and social professions who work with them. All the situations that persons with disabilities may encounter are covered in a clear and accessible way.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Maltreatment in children
"Maltraitance chez l'enfant"
Caroline Rey-Salmon and Catherine Adamsbaum
Lavoisier Médecine Sciences Publications,
Paris 2013: 230 pages, 89 euros
Although often not diagnosed, maltreatment of children is widespread, in France and elsewhere, and can lead to serious sequelae, sometimes to the death of the child. This collectively produced book is a solid base to help healthcare professionals to recognise and to manage cases of maltreatment, and to deal with a suspicion of maltreatment.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Shooting gallery. Supervised injection facilities and the French debate

"Salle de shoot. Les salles d'injection supervisée à l'heure du débat français"
Pierre Chappard and Jean-Pierre Couteron
La Découverte, Paris 2013: 203 pages, 12.50 euros
What view should be taken of drug users in France? The two authors analyse France's back-and-forth position since the 1970s, oscillating between repression and risk-reduction. And make the case, based on solid arguments, in favour of opening supervised injection facilities in France, inspired by experiences in other countries.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
"Prix Prescrire 2014" Rev Prescrire 2014; 34 (372): back cover (pdf in French, free)
©Prescrire 2 October 2014