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In the October issue of Prescrire International: A public awareness campaign which mainly benefits companies

FREE DOWNLOAD The pharmaceutical company Abbvie, which markets adalimumab (Humira°), has jointly funded a public awareness campaign produced by the patient organisation France Psoriasis. Objective: marketing.
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  • In late 2018, a poster campaign in the Paris metro was aimed at drawing the attention of passengers to the suffering experienced by persons with psoriasis.
  • This public awareness campaign was rolled out under the name of the patient organisation France Psoriasis, one of whose objectives is to raise awareness about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and their treatments.
  • In order to fund this poster campaign, France Psoriasis signed agreements with several pharmaceutical companies, including Abbvie.
  • Under the guise of a public health mission, public awareness campaigns focusing on chronic diseases and other conditions, such as the France Psoriasis campaign, form an integral part of the commercial strategy of some companies.

©Prescrire 1 September 2020

Source: "A public awareness campaign which mainly benefits companies" Prescrire International 2020; 29 (219): 250. Free.

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