english.prescrire.org > Annual Prescrire Awards > The Prescrire Awards for 2010 > Overview
The Prescrire Awards for 2010

The independent French journal's take on the year's
Drugs, Packaging and Information


Prescrire’s analyses showed that the quality of drug packaging in 2010 still left much to be desired.
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Prescrire’s analyses showed that the quality of drug packaging in 2010 still left much to be desired.

Potentially dangerous packaging remains a significant problem: unclear labelling is a source of medication errors; dosing devices for some psychotropic drugs create a risk of overdose; child-proof caps are often lacking; and too many patient information leaflets are misleading or difficult to understand.

Everything that is needed for safe drug packaging is available; it is now up to regulatory agencies and drug companies to act responsibly.

In the meantime, health professionals can help their patients by learning to identify the pitfalls of drug packaging and providing safe information to help prevent medication errors.

©Prescrire 1 June 2011

"2010 drug packaging review: identifying problems to prevent errors" Prescrire Int 2011; 20 (117): 162-165. (pdf, free)