english.prescrire.org > Annual Prescrire Awards > The Prescrire Awards for 2008 > The authorities must take action
The Prescrire Awards for 2008

The independent French journal's take on the year's
Drugs, Packaging and Information

The authorities must take action

Healthcare professionals and patients who are interested in high-quality care must maintain the pressure on the healthcare authorities.

The authorities have the means to take action, for example by the equitable distribution of available resources, in patients’ best interests, and by taking into account real development costs and therapeutic benefits when setting the price for new products. Yet deregulation continued in 2008.

Healthcare professionals and patients who are interested in high-quality care must maintain the pressure on the healthcare authorities and, while awaiting a real therapeutic breakthrough, they must make the best use of essential drugs.

©Prescrire April 2009

Prescrire Int 2009; 18 (100): 84-88.