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41 years of Prescrire Awards

41 years of Prescrire's "Pilule d'Or"

41 years of Prescrire's "Pilule d'Or"

Pilule d'Or Prescrire
Pilule d'Or/Golden Pill

Prescrire's Pilule d'Or (Golden Pill) has been granted since 1981 to drugs that constitute a major therapeutic advance in a field in which no treatment was previously available

2021 (Prescrire Int n° 236)
COMIRNATY° (tozinameran) and  SPIKEVAX° (elasomeran)
> Learn more

2020 (Prescrire Int n° 224)
ERVEBO°  (Ebola vaccine rVSV-Zebov)
2014 (Prescrire Int n° 157)
ORPHACOL° (cholic acid)
2007 (Prescrire Int n° 94) CARBAGLU° (carglumic acid)
2006 (Prescrire Int n° 88) ORFADIN° (nitisinone)
1998 (Prescrire Int n° 40)
CRIXIVAN° (indinavir)
1996 (Prescrire Int n° 28)
DIGIDOT° (digoxin-specific antibody ) (1) 
1992 (Prescrire Int n° 4) SURFEXO° (pulmonary surfactant ) (1)
1989 (Rev Prescrire n° 92) EPREX° (epoetin alfa) • MECTIZAN° (ivermectin)
1988 (Rev Prescrire n° 81) LARIAM° (mefloquine) • RETROVIR° (zidovudine)
1987 (Rev Prescrire n° 71) LUTRELEF° (gonadorelin) • DECAPEPTYL° (triptorelin)
1986 (Rev Prescrire n° 61) ZOVIRAX° IV and tablets (aciclovir)
1983 (Rev Prescrire n° 31) LOPRIL° (captopril)
1981 (Rev Prescrire n° 10) VACCIN HEVAC B° (hepatitis B vaccine) (1)
No "Golden Pill" was awarded for 1982, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1991, from 1993 to 1995, for 1997, from 1999 to 2005, from 2008 to 2013, and for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
1- Drug no longer on the market in France.

Le Palmarès de l'information
> The Prescrire Drug Awards for 2021

Download the full article:

 FREE  "The Prescrire Awards for 2021" Prescrire International 2022; 31 (235): 79-82. (pdf, free)

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©Prescrire February 2022
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