english.prescrire.org > Special section > Mediator° - the criminal trial > Key texts around the Mediator° disaster from and criminal trial from Prescrire International

Mediator° - the criminal trial

Prescrire and Mediator° since 1986

 Key texts  around the Mediator° disaster and criminal trial from Prescrire International

The independent French medical journal Prescrire began asking questions about Mediator° (benfluorex) in 1986, and was calling for its withdrawal 12 years before the French authorities finally took action. Here's a selection of key texts published in the English edition Prescrire International. (last update June 2024)


Access to most of the texts listed below normally requires a subscription to Prescrire International. The support of paid subscribers is absolutely essential to the financial independence that ensures the quality and impartiality of Prescrire's content.

An exception has been made to offer the texts below for free download, as part of this special section "Mediator° - The criminal trial".

Additional texts on this subject and many others are available via the > Search function 

Mediator° disaster: the damning appeal judgement
Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (265):303-306.
 > Pdf 
Mediator° trial appeal: a judgement that better reflects the harm done
Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (261): 194.
 > Pdf 
France's Mediator° trial reveals a cosy relationship between representatives of the French drug regulatory agency and an influential company
Prescrire Int 2021; 32 (232): 305-306.
 > Pdf 
France's Mediator° trial: Servier and the French drug regulatory agency convicted and sentenced
Prescrire Int 2021; 29 (227): 165.
 > Pdf 
Mediator°: norfenfluramine at the heart of the trial
Prescrire Int 2021; 30 (225): 110.
 > Pdf 
Mediator°: all wrong from the very start
Prescrire Int 2020; 29 (221): 307.
 > Pdf 
Drug-induced heart valve disease: a blind spot for cardiologists
Prescrire Int 2020; 29 (216): 161-164.
 > Pdf 
France’s Mediator° disaster: creating awareness around conflicts of interest
Prescrire Int 2020; 29 (214): 108-109.
 > Pdf 
The Mediator° disaster: so much time wasted, so many lives destroyed
Prescrire Int 2019; 28 (210): 303-305.
 > Pdf 
Mediator°... now what?
Prescrire Int 2019; 28 (209): 255.
 > Pdf 
Servier and French drug regulatory agency on trial
Prescrire Int 2019; 28 (209): 278-279.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: adverse effects reviewed, 1976-2015
Prescrire Int 2017; 26 (179): 47. 
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: left heart valve disease very common (continued)
Prescrire Int 2014; 23 (149): 128. 
 > Pdf 
Exposure to benfluorex: left heart valve disease very common
Prescrire Int 2013; 22 (140): 185.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex and cardiac valve disease: long delay in publication
Prescrire Int 2013; 22 (135): 47.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: lesions on a bioprosthetic heart valve too
Prescrire Int 2012; 21 (131): 240-241.
 > Pdf 
In the wake of the Mediator° scandal: some progress in France but apathy at the European level
Prescrire Int 2012; 21 (126): 110.
 > Pdf 
The Mediator° scandal in France: key dates, key issues
Prescrire Int 2011; 20 (121): 280.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: how many deaths?
Prescrire Int 2011; 20 (113): 45.
 > Pdf 
Mediator° 150 mg - Sous-titre censuré
Prescrire Int 2011; 20 (112): 26.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex. EU marketing authorisation finally withdrawn
Prescrire Int 2010; 19 (109): 206.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: yet more valve disorders
Prescrire Int 2010; 19 (107): 121. 
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: increasing reports of valve disorders
Prescrire Int 2010; 19 (105): 17.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: negative data in France, but still on the market
Prescrire Int 2009; 18 (101): 124.
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex: what use?
Prescrire Int 1998; 7 (34): 49-50.  
 > Pdf 
Benfluorex tablets antidiabetic?
Prescrire Int 1997; 6 (30): 108-109. 
 > Pdf 


Medicines policy in France after the benfluorex (Mediator°) scandal:  the proposed measures are positive but still need work, and especially need to be implemented
(June 2011)
 > Free 
The Mediator° scandal in France: key dates, key issues
(November 2011)
 > Free 
To prevent repeats of the Mediator° (benfluorex) disaster: attitudes need to change
(December 2011)
 > Free 
France's Mediator° scandal: take the high road
(January 2011)
 > Free 
Mediator°: a book that spells trouble for one drug company
(January 2011)
 > Free 
Benfluorex (Mediator° or other brands): marketing authorisation withdrawn throughout the European Union
(July 2010)
 > Free 
Benfluorex: the appetite-suppressant amphetamine is finally suspended from sale in France
(December 2009)
 > Free 
Benfluorex: still on the market, despite numerous severe adverse effects
(November 2008)
 > Free 

©Prescrire December 2024

See also:

Autour du procès Mediator° Dossier Prescrire 
Autour du procès Mediator°
(complete dossier in French, with free download
of original texts from La revue Prescrire)

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