english.prescrire.org > Topics > Advancing healthcare policy > Electronic access to EU product information might improve access to updated patient leaflets, but should not open the door to advertising (2/2018)
Advancing healthcare policy

Via its policy advocacy, Prescrire acts as a force for change in health policies, first and foremost in the interest of patients.


Electronic access to EU product information might improve access to updated patient leaflets, but should not open the door to advertising (February 2018)

In its response to a public consultation by the European Medicines Agency on initiatives for electronic EU product information, Prescrire recognises the interest of improved access to updated patient leaflets. However, such new initiatives should not lead to direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA). Read on...

Paris, 27 February 2018

In its response to a public consultation by the European Medicines Agency on initiatives for electronic EU product information, Prescrire recognises the interest of improved access to updated patient leaflets. However, such new initiatives should not lead to direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA).

> Download Prescrire's contribution (pdf, 67 Ko)

©Prescrire February 2018

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