english.prescrire.org > Topics > Advancing healthcare policy > French drug agency's recommendations on packaging labelling: a welcome first step, to be optimised (11/2017)
Advancing healthcare policy

Via its policy advocacy, Prescrire acts as a force for change in health policies, first and foremost in the interest of patients.


French drug agency's recommendations on packaging labelling: a welcome first step, to be optimised (November 2017)

Prescrire participated in the consultation on recommendations by the French drug regulatory agency (ANSM) regarding the labelling of drug packaging for oral solid formulations. These recommendations are a welcome first step, and should be further improved. Read on... 

Paris, November 2017

Prescrire participated in the consultation on recommendations by the French drug regulatory agency (ANSM) regarding the labelling of drug packaging for oral solid formulations. These recommendations are a welcome first step, and should be further improved.

> Download Prescrire's reponse to the ANSM consultation (Pdf in French, 224 Ko)

©Prescrire November 2017