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In the January issue of Prescrire International: adverse effects of lamotrigine and biotin

FREE DOWNLOAD In our sample page from this month's issue, cardiac arrhythmias with lamotrigine, and biotin supplements' interference with laboratory tests.
Full text available for free download.

Lamotrigine: cardiac arrhythmias

  • The risk of cardiac arrhythmias, including sudden death, must be weighed against the benefits expected from lamotrigine for each patient, particularly in the presence of heart disease.
  • An abnormal heart rhythm, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness or syncope are warning signs.

Biotin: interference with laboratory tests

  • When a blood test is to be carried out, it is advisable to discuss with the patient the risk of an erroneous result linked to taking biotin, and to notify the testing laboratory where necessary.


©Prescrire 1 January 2022

Source: "Lamotrigine: cardiac arrhythmias" and "Biotin: interference with laboratory tests" Prescrire International 2022; 31 (233): 21. Free.

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