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AMP: non-profit

AMP's operating structure

The purpose of the non-profit Association Mieux Prescrire is "to work, in all independence, in favour of quality healthcare, first and foremost in the interest of patients" (from Article 1 of the AMP bylaws).

Association Mieux Prescrire (AMP) is a non-profit continuing education organisation under the French law of 1901. AMP was set up in such a way as to preserve the ongoing independence, quality and usefulness of Prescrire's publications and programmes over the long term.

A professional association governed by editors and subscribers
Within AMP, power is shared between four groups, which are all represented in the General Assembly of Colleges:

  • the College of Editors. 25 members (elected by their peers), with 35% of the votes;
  • the College of Subscribers. 20 members (elected by their peers), with 25% of the votes;
  • the College of Advisors. 15 members (appointed by the Board of Directors for a period of 3 years), with 20% of the votes;
  • the College of Founders. 10 members (appointed by the Board of Directors for a period of 12 years), with 20% of the votes.

The Directorate
The 20-member Board of Directors holds an important role in both oversight and decision-making. The Board is elected by the Colleges, and in turn elects a Directorate, which must include members from the College of Editors and the College of Subscribers.

The members of the Directorate are: Antoine Grandvuillemin (pharmacist, member of the College of Editors, President); Alexandre Gelgon (MD, member of the College of Editors, Vice President); Dörte Gunthert (MD, member of the College of Editors, Treasurer); Jérôme Jean (nurse, member of the College of Editors, Deputy Treasurer); Samia Nabi (pharmacist, member of the College of Editors, Secretary General); Michel Aujoulat (MD, member of the College of Subscribers, Deputy Secretary General).

The other members of the Board of Directors are: Anne Aubert, Benoît Blaes, Eric Cerqueira, Pierre Chirac, Philippe Deguiral, Jacques Juillard, Jean-Louis Montastruc, Claire Pananceau, Olivier Rozand, Philippe Schilliger, Bruno Toussaint, Antoine Vial, Matthias Wiss, Philippe Zerr.

©Prescrire 17 December 2021

  • AMP's operating structure