High price for a drug aimed at a condition lacking treatment, despite a poorly known risk-benefit balance
Marketing Authorisations
No progress in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Single-agent therapy in refractory epilepsy: for a few patients only
Non small-cell lung cancer: stricter assessment needed
Rheumatoid arthritis: no therapeutic advance
A cholesterol-lowering drug with no clinical advantage
For first-line antiretroviral therapy: wait and see
Me-too: just another ultrafast insulin analogue
No advantage over insulin lispro mixture
A simple copy of other antihistamine eye drops
No better than finasteride
Adverse Effects
Pefloxacin seems the most risky
Serious reactions seem uncommon but data are sparse and weak; animal studies are not reassuring. Pefloxacin seems the most risky, and in the rare cases in which fluoroquinolone therapy is justified, ciprofloxacin is the drug of choice, with duration as short as possible.
Watch for fatigue, loss of appetite and hyperventilation
Slight efficacy, many drug interactions
St John
The new European legislative framework provides for an increased obligation to become transparent. But many obstacles are expected to pop up: let
Too drug oriented, too many conflicts of interest
All elements in the drugs sector should prompt the authorities to define a clear, long term health policy.
INN-based prescribing and dispensing should be urgently adopted: it bypasses regulatory obstacles and help focus attention on the substance.
Association Mieux Prescrire (AMP) is the owner and administrator of la revue Prescrire and Prescrire International.