english.prescrire.org > Spotlight > "Spotlight"

Who are we? A non-profit continuing education organisation, committed to better patient care

 ABOUT PRESCRIRE  Prescrire and Prescrire International provide independent information, by and for healthcare professionals. Since 1981, Prescrire has provided healthcare professionals – and via them, patients – with the clear, comprehensive and reliable information they need about drugs and therapeutic and diagnostic strategies.

Prescrire publishes a monthly journal in French, and an international edition in English 11 times a year, plus a yearly supplement in French devoted to drug interactions.

Prescrire is a fully accredited continuing education organisation, and offers continuing education and professional development programmes specifically adapted to the needs of healthcare professionals.

A non-profit organisation, Prescrire is wholly financed by its subscribers, and accepts no advertising or other outside support.

Reliable and relevant content
Prescrire has the editorial and research capabilities necessary to ensure the accuracy of its reviews. Prescrire's editors are healthcare professionals, specially trained in Prescrire's editorial methods and free from conflicts of interest. Exacting quality control procedures are applied to all editorial content.

Independent information
The Association Mieux Prescrire, a non-profit organisation registered under the French law of 1901, manages all of Prescrire's programmes and publications.

The AMP is structured so as to be free of any influence from pharmaceutical companies or healthcare institutions.

Prescrire's purpose is stated in Article 1 of the bylaws of the Association Mieux Prescrire (AMP): "To work, in all independence, in favour of quality healthcare, first and foremost in the interest of patients (...)." 

©Prescrire 1 July 2017

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