Amongst the works and documents reviewed in our
French edition from October 2018 to September 2019,
the Prescrire Editorial Staff has awarded
the 2019 Prescrire Prize to the works
listed below.
Schizophrenics in the 20th Century.
Side effects of history
"Schizophrènes au XXe siècle. Des effets secondaires de l'histoire" Guillemain H. Alma Éditeur 2018: 317 pages, 22 euros.
What is schizophrenia? Based on the trajectories of 500 patients who were diagnosed as schizophrenic between 1912 and 1960, the historian Hervé Guillemain describes the social, political and administrative factors which influenced the way that schizophrenia was perceived in France in the 20th century. This book calls into question the classifaction of mental illnesses, and the circumstances and the reasons behind their birth and their death.
> Learn more (in French)
Healthcare for the homeless.
Between misunderstandings and negociation
"Le soin des personnes sans domicile. Entre malentendus et négociations" Coulomb L. Presses universitaires de Rennes 2018: 278 pages, 25 euros
In this book based on a thesis in sociology, Laureline Coulomb undertakes a methodical deconstruction of the stereotypes that healthcare professionals and homeless patients can have about each other. Divergent representations which give rise to misunderstandings, negociations and the search for compromise: many of the descriptions and analyses of homeless people in this book are as many keys that can also be applied to any practitioner-patient relationship. This book is a useful tool for improving one's practice. > Learn more (in French)
Stop sexual violence against children
"Stop aux violences sexuelles faites aux enfants" Bayard Jeunesse 2018 : 15 pages. Available for free download (in French) at www.bayard-jeunesse.com
In France in 2016, around 19 700 complaints for sexual violence involving minors were recorded by police and other law enforcement. In reality, around 200 000 minors may be affected every year in France. Faced with this situation, Bayard Jeunesse published a booklet entitled "Stop sexual violence against children", with the support and approval of numerous parties involved in the protection of children. This quality booklet is a tool for education and prevention which helps children to recognise situations of sexual violence, to break the silence and to dare to tell the truth about their abusers. A tool which healthcare professionals should distribute widely. > Learn more (in French)
©Prescrire 3 October 2019
"Prix Prescrire 2019" Rev Prescrire 2019; 39 (432): IV. (pdf in French, free)
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