• Forgot your password? |
- You will need your Subscriber number
- Open the page > Forgot your password or login?
- Fill in your Subscriber number and e-mail and click "Send me a new password"
- A new password will be sent to the e-mail address that is your login.
- Hint: Go immediately to > My Prescrire and change your password right away, to something that will be easy for you to remember.
- First, log on with the new password that was sent to you via e-mail, using the "copy-paste" function in order to avoid retyping the password.
- Click "Change your online registration information" and then "Change your password"
- Still having problems?
- Send an e-mail to international@prescrire.org
- Be sure to specify your name and the mailing address used for your subscription.
• How can I find my Subscriber number? |
- Your Subscriber number contains a maximum of 6 characters.
- Your number is printed on any written correspondence from Prescrire's Subscriber Services
- your subscription invoice, statement or welcome letter
- the mailing label on the envelope containing your copy of Prescrire International
Having trouble finding your Subscriber number?
Send an e-mail to international@prescrire.org
Be sure to specify your name and the mailing address used for your subscription. |
• How do I register online? |
- Click on "Register online" at the top right of any page
- Fill in:
- Your Subscriber number and the postal code of your delivery address
See > How can I find my Subscriber number?
- A valid e-mail address, which will be your login name.
Important: all e-mails from the Prescrire team will be sent to you at this address.
- Your choice of password.
Your password must contain 6 to 12 characters and must be made up of numbers and/or letters, without accented characters or punctuation marks. Upper-case and lower-case letters are taken into account.
- Click on "Activate my account".
- A confirmation of your registration will appear online. Your name should appear at the top right corner of the web page, and you should be able to access Subscriber-only content according to the terms of your subscription.
- A confirmation e-mail containing your login name and password is sent automatically.
- Be sure to click "Log out" when you finish your online session.
• Forgot your login name?
- Can't remember what e-mail address is your login for the site?
- You will need your Subscriber number
- Go to the page > Forgot your password or login?
- Scroll down to "Forgot your login?", fill in the requested fields and click "Please confirm my login"
- A message will be sent to the e-mail address that is your login.
• How can I change my password or login?
- You can change your password or your login (e-mail address) at
> My Prescrire
• "Login/Password invalid"
• "A user session is already underway with this registration information"
There are 3 possible causes for this: :
- You already have a session underway in a different web browser.
In this case, if you wish to switch to another web browser, close your original session first by clicking on the "Log out" link, located at the top right-hand corner of each page of the website.
- You may have exited the Prescrire website without ending your session by clicking on "Log out", for example by closing the window of your web browser.
The session will disconnect automatically 20 minutes after your last action online. You will then be able to open another session.
Tip: Remember to always use the "Log out" function, via the link located at the top right-hand corner of each page of the website, before closing the window of your web browser, in order to avoid this delay in the future.
- You changed your browser settings or changed browsers after a login failure. You will need to wait 20 minutes from the first login failure before trying again.
• Browser settings for the Prescrire website |
- To be able to log into the Prescrire website and to access subscriber-only content, your browser settings must be set to allow "cookies" from websites visited.
• Didn't find an answer to your question?
• Send us an e-mail at international@prescrire.org
• Don't forget to include your Subscriber number
• Please specify your name and mailing address
• Provide a detailed description of any difficulties you are encountering