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In the April issue of Prescrire International: a warning on the dangers of insulin at 200 units per ml

FREE DOWNLOAD This sample article from the "Outlook" section explores the ramifications of the recent European decision to authorise insulin at twice the usual strength.
Full text available for free download.


  • For some years, insulin has only been available in the European Union at a concentration of 100 units per millilitre, in order to prevent any risk of error, especially for patients travelling to different countries within the European Union.
  • In January 2013, the European Commission signed the marketing authorisation for insulin degludec 200 units per ml.
  • Healthcare professionals, patients and carers will need to be extremely vigilant and put procedures in place to reduce the risk of error when using these insulins.

Full text available for free download.

 ©Prescrire 1 April 2014

"Warning: dangers of insulin at 200 units per ml" Prescrire Int 2014; 23 (148): pp. (Pdf, free)