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In the February issue of Prescrire International: Liposomal forms of drugs

FREE DOWNLOAD Healthcare professionals must take great care at every stage of the medication-use process when dealing with drugs that are available in liposomal and non-liposomal forms.
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  • Some drugs, such as injectable amphotericin B, doxorubicin and irinotecan, are marketed in liposomal and non­liposomal forms, but these forms are not interchangeable.
  • The European Union has taken action to prevent errors in this situation, by adding “liposomal” or “pegylated liposomal” to the brand name.
  • As an added precaution, it is useful to refer to these drugs on prescriptions and in other healthcare documents by their INN + the form (liposomal or non­liposomal) + the brand name.

©Prescrire 1 February 2021

Source: "Liposomal forms of drugs: now specified in the brand name, but no improvement to the INN" Prescrire International 2021; 30 (223): 48. Free.

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