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In the October issue of Prescrire International - Multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis and delamanid: no demonstrated clinical benefit

FREE DOWNLOAD It is helpful to have an antibiotic available which is active against multidrug-resistant mycobacteria. However, as of mid-2021, there is no demonstrated clinical benefit from addition of delamanid to an optimised multiple drug treatment regimen.
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  • A double-blind randomised trial in 511 adult patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis compared delamanid (an antibiotic) versus placebo, in combination with an optimised background multiple drug regimen.
  • Delamanid did not reduce mortality, or improve the antibacterial efficacy of the antibiotic treatment.

©Prescrire 1 October 2021

Source: "Multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis and delamanid. No demonstrated clinical benefit" Prescrire International 2021; 30 (230): 248. Free.

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