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Prescrire's finances: 2022 annual report

Every year, Association Mieux Prescrire, the legal entity responsible for Prescrire's publications, publishes a summary of its annual financial report in the March issue of Prescrire and in the June issue of Prescrire International. The summary of its 2022 annual report is publicly available here.

Association Mieux Prescrire (AMP), the legal entity responsible for Prescrire's publications, is a non-profit organisation governed by the French law of 1901. It is the legal structure that, in France, as of 2023, best enables Prescrire to preserve its independence, together with the choice to be funded entirely by subscriptions to its various publications.

In the still turbulent environment of 2023, Prescrire continues its work in the interests of healthcare professionals and patients, while also continually evolving to better meet our subscribers' needs and convince as many healthcare professionals as possible to take the leap and join their ranks.

©Prescrire 1 June 2023

Source: "The finances of Association Mieux Prescrire: 2022 annual report" Prescrire International 2023; 32 (249): 167. Free.

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