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Zanubrutinib (Brukinsa°) in certain haematological malignancies

 Marketing Authorisations   Zanubrutinib has been authorised for use in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Waldenström macroglobulinaemia (as has ibrutinib), and in certain patients with relapsed or refractory marginal zone lymphoma. Does zanubrutinib extend survival compared with the other options used in these situations, in particular ibrutinib? Does it have fewer or less severe adverse effects than ibrutinib?
Full article available for download by subscribers

©Prescrire 1 July 2024

Source: "Zanubrutinib (Brukinsa°) in certain haematological malignancies" Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (261): 180-182. Subscribers only.

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See also:

"Ibrutinib: increased risk
of sudden death"
Prescrire Int 2023;
32 (247): 104-105.
Subscribers only

"Ibrutinib and Waldenström’s
Uncertain efficacy
but real dangers"
Prescrire Int 2016;