Helping healthcare professionals in countries with insufficient financial resources and those training to become healthcare professionals to obtain quality, independent information.
Solidarity Support Programme: Annual Report for 2021
Prescrire's Solidarity Support Programme has been raising funds from Prescrire subscribers since 1993.
These donations help to provide independent therapeutic and pharmacological information to healthcare professionals who do not have access to sufficient economic resources in their countries.
Since 2016, the Solidarity Support Programme has been broadened to include initiatives aiming to promote a culture of professional independence within the educational system, without conditions regarding the level of economic resources of the country.
2021: a wide variety of aid distributed
For 2021, the aid distributed totalled 4 701 euros. This aid took a variety of forms:
- subscriptions to La Revue Prescrire or to its English edition Prescrire International for health professionals working in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. In 2021, the Solidarity Support Programme financed a new subscription for the medical sciences library in Beirut, Lebanon.
- 2021 was also the year when support to the publication of an independent "Ecuadorian Pharmacotherapeutic Vademecum", came to an end. The 2021 Vademecum is based on information from Prescrire and from the Belgian "Répertoire commenté des médicaments", taking into account local clinical practice guides and the Ecuadorian list of essential medicines, adapted from that of the WHO. Its distribution is oriented especially towards students enroled in health studies. The associations who have partenered with Prescrire on this project are planning to finance the updating of the next edition via sale of the 2021 Vademecum at a modest price.
Warm thanks to our donors
In 2021, support from donors totalled 6 000 euros. Most of the donations came from the transfer to the Programme of purchase vouchers granted by Prescrire in exchange for referrals of new subscribers or for reviewing texts.
The Programme allows Prescrire to continue to support independent information and independent continuing education for healthcare professionals.
If you become aware of projects which might be candidates for support under the Programme, please contact us (details below).
Our warm thanks to the 138 donors who made a contribution in 2021.
Prescrire encourages subscribers to submit names of healthcare professionals, organisations or projects that might benefit from aid under the Solidarity Support Programme.
Should you wish to suggest new beneficiaries for the programme, or to send a donation, please write to or to Prescrire - Abonnés Solidaires, 83 boulevard Voltaire, 75558 Paris Cedex 11, France
Donations may be made by direct debit, by bank transfer or by cheque to the order of Association Mieux Prescrire.
For more information:
> Programme rules
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©Prescrire May 2022
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