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Intranasal fentanyl (Instanyl° Doseguard°): finally made safer

 Marketing Authorisations   The new multidose presentation of fentanyl solution for intranasal administration, Instanyl° DoseGuard°, is safer for patients than the former presentation, as it is equipped with a safety cap, an electronic dose counter, and a mechanism to temporarily prevent any further administration within a given time period.
Full article available for download by subscribers

Don't procrastinate when it comes to safety

Instanyl° Doseguard° is safer for patients than the initial Instanyl° product first marketed in 2010. At that time, Prescrire's analysis of its packaging identified several dangerous flaws. This was despite the fact that, even in 2010, the dangers of accidental exposure to fentanyl were well known...

Full text available for download by subscribers

©Prescrire 1 March 2024

Source: "Intranasal fentanyl (Instanyl° Doseguard°): finally made safer" Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (257): 68-69. Subscribers only.

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See also:

"Intranasal fentanyl.
Breakthrough cancer pain:
unsafe packaging"
Prescrire Int 2010;
 19 (110): 251.
Subscribers only

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