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Drug packaging in 2007:
better, but still many risks

All too often, pharmaceutical companies and drug regulatory agencies pay little attention to drug packaging. But some companies have shown that it is possible to do better.

Prescrire's review of drug packaging in 2007 revealed an improvement in overall quality, but much packaging that can still cause potentially severe medication errors, due to unclear labelling, inappropriate measuring devices or lack of a safety top. This is particularly worrying in the case of self-medication drugs and products for paediatric use.

The French Health Products Safety Agency (AFSSAPS) carried on in its efforts to improve the labelling of some injectable drugs. But much remains to be done in other fields.

Prescrire's review includes concrete recommendations for caregivers, health authorities and patients. Patients are advised never to remove blister packs or bottles from their original box unless they are labelled with the international non-proprietary name (INN), which makes them easily identifiable. To avoid confusion, patients are warned not to buy different self-medication products belonging to a range bearing a single brand name.

©Prescrire February 2008

Reference: Prescrire editorial staff "L'année 2007 du conditionnement des spécialités pharmaceutiques : du mieux, mais encore beaucoup de dangers " Rev Prescrire 2008 ; 28 (292) : 141-144.