Since July 2008, pharmacists, if they so decide, have been authorised to sell some drugs to the public over the counter. However, the pharmacist still has a duty to refuse to dispense a drug if it is in the interest of the patient’s health.
To help healthcare professionals and patients manage these situations, Prescrire has produced a series of practical information sheets, listing a selection of drugs based on their risk-benefit balance.
Prescrire looks at common self-medication situations, to help determine when advice should be sought from a health professional, pharmacist or doctor; how to treat the problem without drugs, which drugs to rule out, and which drugs may be helpful.
A sore throat, for example, is most often due to a viral infection which clears up spontaneously. Sucking throat lozenges and drinking plenty of liquids are usually sufficient to soothe the throat until it clears up; if necessary, paracetamol can relieve the pain. But a number of symptoms indicate that medical advice should be sought.
©Prescrire November 2008
Source: "Situations courantes d'automédication (suite)" Rev Prescrire 2008; 28 (300): 752-762.
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