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Zolpidem: risk of dependence

Like the classic benzodiazepines, zolpidem can also lead to dependence and withdrawal syndrome.

Zolpidem, a hypnotic drug related to benzodiazepines, exposes patients to the risk of abuse, dependence and sometimes serious withdrawal effects such as convulsions.

A study carried out in 2003 in France's Bouches-du-Rhône region identified 125 patients taking between 3 and 79 zolpidem tablets a day (i.e. 0.16% of patients taking zolpidem in the region).

A consultation with a doctor under the national health insurance system was offered to these 125 patients. Out of the 91 patients who attended the consultation, 70 stated they had tried to stop taking the drug or to reduce the dosage. 36 patients stated they had suffered withdrawal symptoms, and 7 reported convulsions. Two years later, 41% of the patients were taking fewer than 3 tablets a day, and 11% had completely stopped. Once again, this report confirms zolpidem’s potential for abuse and dependence.

©Prescrire November 2007

Source: "Dépendance au zolpidem" Rev Prescrire 2007 ; 27 (289) : 831

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