Bupropion, alias amfebutamone, is an amphetamine whose adverse effects are disproportionate in relation to its dubious efficacy in helping people stop smoking. New data confirm the possibility that bupropion may cause malformations in the babies of women exposed to this drug during pregnancy. The data, taken from a register of pregnant women exposed to bupropion, give cause for concern. Out of 423 pregnancies where the woman was exposed and monitored, 10 new-borns presented serious malformations, with an unusually high proportion of cardiac malformations. Warnings of the higher risk of congenital malformation, cardiac in particular, were already issued after pregnant women were exposed to amphetamine derivatives. These new data confirm that bupropion should be avoided, especially during pregnancy.
©Prescrire September 2005
"Bupropion, alias amphébutamone : attention en cas de grossesse" Rev Prescrire 2005 ; 25 (264) : 590.
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