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2005 : 1 | 30 | 60

Analgesics: reducing the number of tablets
per packet reduces overdoses

Following the example of Finland, and then France, in 1998 the UK reduced the number of analgesic tablets per packet. A 30% drop in the number of deaths shows the effectiveness of this measure.

Excessive quantities of drugs found in family medicine cabinets contribute to the number of acute voluntary or accidental overdoses.

In 1976, Finland restricted the maximum quantity of paracetamol per packet, followed by France in 1982. Since 1998, the UK has greatly reduced the quantities of analgesics that can be delivered at one time, except on medical prescription.

A UK study compared the first 4 years after the introduction of this measure with the preceding period. The number of deaths by suicide attributed to aspirin and paracetamol dropped considerably. It is estimated that 118 deaths by uncombined paracetamol were prevented in the first 3 years after the application of the new regulations.

©Prescrire June 2005

Source: "Intoxication aiguë par les antalgiques : limiter les quantités délivrées réduit la gravité" Rev Prescrire 2005 ; 25 (262) : 433.

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