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2005 : 1 | 30 | 60

INN: for the best use of drugs

Thinking in terms of International Nonproprietary Names (INN) is essential for the best use of drugs.

The priorities for medical practitioners are quality care and treatments that offer the best possible benefit-harm balance for patients.

The INN or International Nonproprietary Name is an essential cornerstone of good drug use. The INN is the international scientific name that designates the substance that the drug contains.

Thinking in INNs is essential for knowing exactly what one is prescribing, advising, dispensing and consuming.

Thinking of drugs in terms of their INN makes us consider the various pharmaceutical forms, the dosages, packaging, ease of use and the clarity of the leaflets.

If we all make an effort to use the INN, in other words the drug’s real name, all its therapeutic and non-therapeutic aspects (industrial and commercial goals, etc.) are clear, and everyone is prompted to analyse them.

INNs should be used systematically, to improve the quality of care, and in the best interests of the patient.

©Prescrire May 2005

Source: "Sans préjugé" Rev Prescrire 2005 ; 25 (261) : 321.

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