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2005 : 1 | 30 | 60

Drug interactions: a new source of information

A new information resource helps Prescrire's subscribers to understand and prevent adverse effects caused by drug interactions.

Prescrire is providing readers with a 100-page supplement on drug interactions, based on an innovative approach. Rather than taking the drugs as a starting point and drawing up an exhaustive list of all the potential interactions, the supplement starts from patients and their clinical situations: diabetes, high blood pressure, migraine, Parkinson's disease, etc. The doctor or pharmacist is warned of situations and drugs that could lead to a risk of interaction, depending on the patient's treatment and the actions of the drugs they are taking. Only interactions with a predictable, tangible, clinical consequence are listed. Constructive measures are suggested to help the patient and the practitioner to minimise adverse effects caused by drug interactions. When appropriate, additional data sheets provide further pharmacological information. The supplement will be updated annually.

©Prescrire March 2005

Source: "Interactions médicamenteuses : comprendre et décider. Édition 2005" Rev Prescrire 2005 ; 25 (259 suppl.) : 1-97.

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