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2005 : 1 | 30 | 60

Piracetam: risk of haemorrhage

The risk of haemorrhage with piracetam argues against use of this drug, which has no proven clinical benefits.

Piracetam is a so-called "smart drug" (cognition enhancer), with no proven clinical effectiveness. It has been available in France for the last 30 years, but causes adverse effects such as nervousness, agitation, instability and sleep disorders.

During the summer of 2004, government information on piracetam-based drugs was updated in France. A warning was added for patients at risk of haemorrhage. Piracetam is now contra-indicated in cases of cerebral haemorrhage.

The benefit-harm balance for piracetam is unfavourable, due to the risk of haemorrhage and a dubious efficacy.

The French medicines agency should make public the data on which these new warnings are based. ©Prescrire January 2005

Source: "Piracétam : risque hémorragique" Rev Prescrire 2005 ; 25 (257) : 23.

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