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2005 : 1 | 30 | 60

Nutrition-based disease prevention: let's act now

The French public health law paves the way for preventing the development of diet-related chronic illnesses. But it is only the first step.

The French public health law, passed in summer 2004, includes a section on the prevention of chronic disease through diet. The targets for 2008 include: reduce the frequency of overweight and obesity in adults and prevent their increase among children; reduce the number of people eating fewer than five portions of fruit or vegetables a day; cut the salt content of food; lessen the frequency of iodine deficiency, etc.

Two concrete measures have been adopted: one banning automatic food and drinks vending machines in schools from 1 September 2005, and the other stipulating that advertisements for sweet drinks and processed foods must contain health information, otherwise manufacturers will be fined, and the fines collected given to the National Institute for prevention and health education.

French legislation has finally recognised diet as a major factor affecting the health of the population. The law has been passed, but the question of its application still has to be addressed.

Only a genuine, widespread policy supported by all – the public, health professionals, the media, politicians and the authorities, and manufacturers – can bring about tangible changes. ©Prescrire January 2005

Source: "Prévention nutritionnelle : maintenant agissons" Rev Prescrire 2005 ; 25 (257) : 63-64.

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