english.prescrire.org > Spotlight > Archives : 2011 > Prescrire turns 30

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2011 : 1 | 30 | 60

Prescrire turns 30

Founded in January 1981 by a group of French physicians and pharmacists, Prescrire is celebrating its 30th birthday.

Since its beginnings in 1981, Prescrire has grown, and grown stronger. But its raison d’être is still the same. Because in 2011, just as in 1981, healthcare professionals need independent, comparative and user-friendly information in order to deliver quality care to patients.

Today in France, the disaster caused by benfluorex (ex- Mediator°) has caused a scandal, and rightfully so. More and more citizens are realising just how many obstacles stand in the way of quality care: the lack of independence of the public agencies in charge of evaluating drugs, pharmacovigilance left to drug companies, continuing education and information for healthcare professionals produced and funded mainly by the industry itself, public decisions in which financial interests outweigh the safety of the population, etc.

Prescrire is still funded entirely by subscribers, and still chooses to do without grants, advertising, shareholders, or sponsors.

In the coming years Prescrire will aim to:

  • Increase the added value that we can bring in terms of quality care and patients’ interests;
  • Work with healthcare professionals during their initial training, in order to facilitate the transition to professional practice and continuing medical education;
  • Encourage more nurses to join the Prescrire movement.

Finally, as we pass the 30-year milestone, we intend to make Prescrire in English a more powerful instrument of exchange and of continuing education, reaching beyond the French-speaking world.

The Prescrire in English website and the new monthly frequency of Prescrire International are important steps in this direction, as we invite international readers to play an increasing role in Prescrire’s activities in the years to come.

> Click here for more information about Prescrire’s history, who we are and how we work

©Prescrire 1 April 2011

"Prescrire turns 30" Prescrire Int 2011; 20 (115): 112. (Pdf, free)


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