Every two years the French journal Prescrire organises two days of multidisciplinary "Encounters" known as "Les Rencontres Prescrire". The event is an opportunity for exchanging views, for debates and for workshops bringing together healthcare professionals and patients.
"Working together in the name of better care": in order to achieve better care, it is often said that working together is indispensable…. Always? Why? How? This was the theme of the 2012 Prescrire Encounters, which were held in Angers, France on 25 and 26 May 2012.
Among the many different subjects tackled: cooperation between professionals and with the patient, integrated care, professional groupings, multidisciplinary approaches to initial or continuing medical education, mutual knowledge and understanding, encounters, sharing and transmitting information, shared decision-making, communication, respective responsibilities.
As in prior years, the 2012 Prescrire Encounters were a participative event, centred around: posters presenting the participants' work as relates to the theme, a programme of group sessions including plenary sessions and workshops.
The 2012 Prescrire Encounters were organised by the Prescrire team with the participation of the Université d'Angers, the department of general practice of the Angers faculty of medicine, the Institut supérieur de la santé et des bioproduits d'Angers (ISSBA) and the faculty of pharmacy of the UFR des sciences pharmaceutiques et d'ingénierie de la santé.
The posters displayed at the event as well as videos of the plenary sessions are freely available online (in French) HERE.
©Prescrire 1 August 2012
Special issue of La revue Prescrire "Travailler ensemble" Rev Prescrire 2012; 32 (346). Click here for the table of contents (in French).