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2013 : 1 | 30 | 60

In the September issue of Prescrire International:
Ferumoxytol (Rienso°) - an intravenous iron, riskier than iron sucrose

FREE DOWNLOAD Pharmacovigilance data and the results of a clinical trial show that serious adverse events are more frequent with ferumoxytol (Rienso°) than with iron sucrose.
Full text available for free download.


  • In patients with chronic renal failure, iron sucrose is the standard treatment for iron-deficiency anaemia when the intravenous route is preferable to the oral route.
  • In practice: do not use. In patients requiring intravenous iron administration, there is no firm evidence that ferumoxytol is more effective than iron sucrose, while it appears to have more serious adverse effects. It is better to avoid using ferumoxytol and to choose iron sucrose instead.

Full text available for free download.

 ©Prescrire 1 September 2013

"Ferumoxytol. An intravenous iron, riskier than iron sucrose" Prescrire Int 2013; 22 (141): 206. (Pdf, free)

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