Amongst the works and documents reviewed in our French edition from October 2014 to September 2015, the Prescrire Editorial Staff has awarded the 2015 Prescrire Prize to the five works below.
Golden Holocaust. Origins of the Cigarette Catastrophe and the Case for Abolition

Robert N. Proctor. University of California Press,
Berkeley 2012, 752 pages.
Prize awarded to the French edition "Golden Holocaust.
La conspiration des industriels du tabac" Éditions des Équateurs, Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer 2014, 698 pages, 25 euros.
Today's worldwide smoking epidemic was deliberately constructed, with full knowledge of its fatal consequences, by tobacco companies. The author reveals the extent of the means deployed by the deadliest of industries: the tobacco industry.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Choosing death. Understanding euthanasia and its issues
"La mort choisie. Comprendre l'euthanasie et ses enjeux"
François Damas. Mardaga, Brussels 2013, 213 pages, 18 euros.
The author, a physician, has been practising euthanasia in Belgium since its legalisation in 2002. His experiences and his thoughts help to better understand the reality of euthanasia. A rare and invaluable document to shed light on the ethical issues and on the debate in France.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Obesity in young people. Let's talk about it! 
"L'obésité des jeunes. Faut qu'on en parle !"
Véronique Nègre et coll. Canopé, Besançon 2014,
92 pages + DVD, 22 euros
Identifying and accompanying obese youngsters in order to help them to find solutions: that is the objective of this collectively produced work written for use by all types of healthcare professionals. It comes with a DVD containing numerous filmed testimonials which help to understand the feelings of the young people affected and their families.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Why keep one's independence from pharmaceutical companies?
A booklet for students who are stressed out, rushed off their
feet, but in search of understanding
"Pourquoi garder son indépendance face aux laboratoires pharmaceutiques ?
Livret pour étudiants stressés, pressés comme des citrons, mais avides de comprendre"
La Troupe du Rire, 2014, 36 pages, free.
Available for free download from the site www.formindep.org,
under "Médiathèque" then "Bibliothèque".
By showing that it is both necessary and possible to free oneself from the negative influence of pharmaceutical companies, starting at university, the "Troupe du Rire" (the "Laughter Brigade"), a medical students' collective, calls upon students and teachers to work in all independence, first and foremost in the interest of patients.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Teens' questions (love - sexuality)

"Questions d'ados (amour - sexualité)" Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé (Inpes). Saint-Denis 2013,
68 pages, free. Available for free download from www.inpes.sante.fr
What is homosexuality? How do you put on a condom? Who can I talk to about birth control? This booklet from Inpes (France's national institute for prevention and health education), simple and devoid of taboos, succeeds in giving teens reliable information about sexuality and its risks, without falling into the trap of judgmentalism.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
"Prix Prescrire 2015" Rev Prescrire 2015; 35 (384): outside back cover. (Pdf in French, free)
©Prescrire 1 October 2015