Amongst the works and documents reviewed in our French edition from October 2015 to September 2016, the Prescrire Editorial Staff has awarded the 2016 Prescrire Prize to the works listed below.
Vulnerable migrants/foreigners - healthcare and assistance.
A practical guide for professionals
"Migrants/étrangers en situation précaire - Soins et accompagnement. Guide pratique pour les professionnels"
Comité pour la santé des exilés (Comede). Le Kremlin-Bicêtre 2015: 536 pages. Available (in French) for free download from www.inpes.sante.fr and www.comede.org and, for healthcare professionals, in print version from Inpes: edif@inpes.sante.fr.
The Committee for Refugees' Health (Comité pour la santé des exilés, or Comede) has published a 2015 update to its guide which is designed to help medical and other professionals to care for vulnerable migrants or foreigners. This well-documented, precise and pragmatic guide represents a dependable source of information to improve care and access to care for these persons.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
They will no longer decide on our behalf!
The abortion debates in France, 1971-1975 
"Ils ne décideront plus pour nous ! Débats sur l'IVG, 1971-1975" Mailfert A-C. Les petits matins, Paris 2015:
147 pages, 9,90 euros.
In France, the battle for abortion rights was a long and hard one. It culminated in the adoption of the French law of 17 January 1975, which made abortion legal under certain circumstances. This book, published on the 40th anniversary of that law and written by a feminist activist, illustrates the virulent nature of the debate at the time, and shows that abortion rights remain under threat, even in France. It can shed some light on the debates taking place in other parts of the world regarding the expansion or curtailment of abortion rights.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
Communication for healthcare professionals, 2nd edition
"La communication professionnelle en santé, 2e édition"
Richard C et Lussier M-T. Éditions du Renouveau Pédagogique Inc. (ERPI). Montréal (Québec, Canada) 2016: 828 pages, 89 euros.
This second edition, expanded and entirely updated, brings together theoretical principles and a wealth of educational materials to improve the communication skills of healthcare professionals. Good communication is not something one is born with, nor is it naturally acquired through clinical experience. This work will allow all healthcare professionals to achieve better communication, both with other professionals and with patients, thus improving the quality and safety of care.
> Read Prescrire's review (in French)
©Prescrire 6 October 2016
"Prix Prescrire 2016" Rev Prescrire 2016; 36 (396): outside back cover. (pdf in French, free)