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  The 2022 Prescrire Prize is awarded in Paris
  to 6 healthcare-related books or projects

The recipients of the 2022 "Prix Prescrire" awards were announced in Paris on 6 October 2022, by the editors of the independent medical journal La Revue Prescrire. The prize recognises books, other works or initiatives of particular interest to the general public and/or healthcare professionals.

Prix Prescrire 2022Amongst the works, documents and initiatives reviewed
in our French edition from October 2021 to September 2022,
Prescrire's Editorial Staff has awarded
the 2022 Prescrire Prize to the works
and projects listed below.

Distilbène (DES) trois générations. Guide pratique
pour les professionnels de santé et les "familles DES"
(Practical Guide for Health Professionals and for "DES Families")

Distilbene (DES) trois générationsThe patients' association Réseau D.E.S. France updated its "Guide pratique pour les professionnels de santé et les "familles DES". ("Practical Guide for Health Professionals and for "DES Families"") in September 2021. Diethylstilbestrol, alias DES (sold in France under the brand name Distilbène°), is a synthetic non-steroidal oestrogen, and an endocrine disrupter. In France from the 1950s through the 1970s, 160 000 children were exposed to this drug in utero. The Guide explains the complications encountered by these persons and their descendents, with advice on follow-up for each generation.
> Learn more (in French)
Fin de vie en EHPAD, parlons-en !
(End-of-life in a nursing home: let's talk about it!)Fin de vie en Ehpad : parlons-en !

Marie-Odile Vincent, a trained psychologist who has taken an interest in the problems of vulnerable elderly people, trained to become the director of a French nursing home (called an "Établissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes" or "Ehpad"). Her book demonstrates to what extent residents and care professionals can, together, define "what it means to have a successful end-of-life in an Ehpad". Intended as a communication tool for actors in this arena, Marie-Odile Vincent's book can be seen as the starting point for a highly worthwhile undertaking in these nursing homes... as well as in other living situations.
> Learn more (in French)

"Les fossoyeurs" ("The Gravediggers")

Les fossoyeursFew publications have caused as much uproar in France as "Les fossoyeurs" (literally, "The Gravediggers"). Its publication drew swift reactions from many actors in the public and private sectors who are involved in the questions of old age and dependency. Many of them promised to reform the system thoroughly, so that the practices and the abuses described in this book would no longer occur. The shockwave caused by this book is due, in the end, to the considerable number of persons concerned: those who live in "Ehpads" (residential facilities for dependent elders), their families, and the staff subjected to job-related suffering.
> Learn more (in French) 

Interpreters in community medical care

"Migrations Santé Alsace" (Strasbourg), "Réseau Louis Guilloux" (Rennes),
"Vers l'équité en santé et interprétariat de l'URML Pays de La Loire"

Most healthcare professionals in private practice in France do not have access to professional interpreters when caring for people who do not speak French, or do not speak it well. In France's Alsace region since the early 2000s, and more recently in the Pays de la Loire region and in the Rennes metropolitan area, several organisations have been arranging for intepreters to be provided to physicians practising outside of the hospital setting. > Learn more (in French)
Interpretariats Migrations Santé Alsace Interpretariats Louis Guilloux Interprétariat Pays de la Loire

©Prescrire 6 October 2022

Download the full article (in French)

"Prix Prescrire 2022" Rev Prescrire 2022; 42 (468): IV. (pdf in French, free)

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For more information:

"Prix Prescrire 2022"
(October 2022)
Free (in French)

"Rules governing
the Prescrire Prize”
(October 2021)
Pdf, free

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