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RSVPreF3/AS01E vaccine (Arexvy°) in the prevention of RSV infections from 60 years of age

 Marketing Authorisations   The adjuvanted RSVPreF3/AS01E vaccine is the first vaccine authorised in the European Union for the prevention of RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infections in adults aged 60 years or older. Does it prevent respiratory infections in this population? Does it reduce hospitalisations and mortality? And what are its adverse effects?
Full article available for download by subscribers (4 pages)

©Prescrire 1 January 2025

Source: "RSVPreF3/AS01E vaccine (Arexvy°) in the prevention of RSV infections from 60 years of age" Prescrire Int 2025; 34 (266): 5-8. Subscribers only.

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See also:

"RSVPreF vaccine (Abrysvo°)
in the prevention
of RSV infections
from 60 years of age"
Prescrire Int 2025;
34 (266): 8-9.
Subscribers only

"RSVpreF vaccine (Abrysvo°)
during pregnancy
to prevent RSV infection
in the woman's child after birth.
Fewer severe infections
and hospitalisations, but more
preterm births and many
Prescrire Int 2024;