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  The 2020 "Prescrire Prize" is awarded in Paris to
  3 noteworthy books about health and healthcare

The recipients of the 2020 "Prescrire Prize" book awards were announced on 1 October 2020. The prize is awarded to works of particular interest to the general public and/or healthcare professionals.

Prix Prescrire 2020
Amongst the works and documents reviewed in our
French edition from October 2019 to September 2020,
the Prescrire Editorial Staff has awarded
the 2020 Prescrire Prize to the works 
listed below.

La casse du siècle. À propos des réformes de l'hôpital public
(The reforms of France's public hospitals)

La casse du siècle. À propos des réformes de l'hôpital publicJuven PA et al. "La casse du siècle.
À propos des réformes de l'hôpital public"
Raisons d'agir éditions, Paris 2019:
192 pages, 8 euros.
Talking about France’s public hospitals in early 2020 is like talking about a ship that is taking on water from all sides. This work presents a well-documented historical, economic and sociological anaysis, allowing healthcare professionals and interested citizens alike to understand how France’s public hospital system has been weakened over time. Informative reading, especially in light of the various strengths and weaknesses of France’s public healthcare system, as revealed by the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. > Learn more (in French)

Blanc de plomb. Histoire d'un poison légal Blanc de plomb. Histoire d'un poison légal
(White lead. The history of a legal poison)

Rainhorn J. SciencesPo Les Presses, Paris 2019: 370 pages, 26 euros. 
This work is the result of methodical, detailed and well-referenced historical research. The case of white lead, also known as ceruse, long used in paint, sheds light on the numerous and complex current issues around the presence of multiple toxins in the workplace and the environment. The entanglement of public health, economic and political objectives results in acceptance and trivialisation of risks. The author urges us to open our eyes and to mistrust routine, our habits of consumption, inertia and pre-cooked arguments, all of which can dull our vigilance and push us collectively towards inaction. > Learn more (in French)

The sauveunevie.be website

Site web sauveunevie.beCentre hospitalier universitaire de Liège, Liège université, Radio télévision belge francophone.
This website presents two interactive films which simulate being a bystander during a life-threatening emergency outside of a hospital setting. Both of these short films are mainly intended to create awareness of life-saving emergency techniques amongst the untrained general public. Versions aimed at those already trained in these techniques and professional first responders are also available. These films are a high-quality resource for the general public as well as for healthcare professionals. Without taking the place of necessary practical training, they foster increased awareness and offer a refresher for skills on how to handle life-threatening emergencies. > Learn more (in French)  

©Prescrire 1 October 2020

"Prix Prescrire 2020" Rev Prescrire 2020; 40 (444): IV. (pdf in French, free)