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When the cause of a disorder is not immediately obvious: could a drug be responsible?

 Outlook   The potential role of a drug in the onset of a disorder is often overlooked or rarely considered. Yet many disorders are sometimes drug-induced, and in some cases this aetiology was long unsuspected or considered unlikely. This article discusses a few examples of clinical situations for which a drug-related cause was initially considered unlikely, but became credible over time.
Full article available for download by subscribers

©Prescrire 1 January 2024

Source: "When the cause of a disorder is not immediately obvious: could a drug be responsible?" Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (255): 25-26. Subscribers only.

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See also:

"Safety signals:
why bother?"
Prescrire Int 2024;
33 (255): 3.

"When to take a safety
signal into account:
Prescrire's experience"
Prescrire Int 2024;
33 (255): 21-24.
Subscribers only

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